Marco Meneses is a Community Health Worker in Palm Beach County, Florida, USA. Professional interests: Cultural Competence, Health Literacy and Advancing Health Equity at every point of contact. He completed a BSc in Nutrition and MS in Public Health at Universidad de Antioquia in Medellin, Colombia. Completed a MS in Training and Development (adult education and business) at St Francis University in Joliet, Illinois. He has been working and training community health workers in Colombia, Honduras, USA and volunteer with different churches and non-profit agencies. He works with and has knowledge of Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers. The ability to understand health information is the number one indicator of positive health outcomes because so much of health care is about what we read and understand. If patients understand what their health issues are, what their medications are and how to take them, there are better outcomes and fewer unscheduled visits to the physician's office, fewer hospitalizations and emergency rooms visits. Teaching healthy living, healthy eating and healthy lifestyles has a huge impact on quality of care, patient satisfaction and reducing health care costs. Selected by the American Public Health Association, CHW Section, as the 2017 Outstanding Community Health Worker of the Year Award. Certified Community Health Worker by the State of Florida.