Partnerships and Projects



The Partnerships and Projects Working Group (PPWG) meets every 3 months and supports HIFA's collaboration with other organisations. It has three main responsibilities:

  1. Projects 
  2. Supporting organisations 
  3. Income generation

The group complements the Fundraising Working Group (personal donations, local fundraising) and the HIFA-WHO Collaboration Group (delivery of HIFA-WHO Collaboration Plan), and reports to the main HIFA Steering Group.


Name sort ascending Country
Neil Pakenham-Walsh United Kingdom
Meena Nathan Cherian Switzerland
Julie Storr United Kingdom
Joseph Ana Nigeria
Jonathan Parker United Kingdom
Isabelle Wachsmuth-Huguet Switzerland
Geoff Royston United Kingdom
Enock Musungwini Zimbabwe
Chris Zielinski United Kingdom
Poorvaprabha Patil India