WHO: Hooking the next generation: how the tobacco industry captures young customers (11) How the tobacco industry captures young customers

1 June, 2024

Dear colleagues,

I am sharing with you today this video (link: https://youtube.com/watch?v=booe1PLkdGY&si=EDHju2S-WkgLx8jF ), titled: Spinning a Global Web: The Tobacco Industry’s Pursuit of Minors

It is based on a recently article produced by JHU Global Tobacco Control Institute in partnership with Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. where it is described how the world's largest multinational tobacco companies are using consistent strategies to advertise cigarettes to children in 42 majority low- and middle-income countries.

This video documents a sweeping, on-the-ground surveillance process resulting in more than 19,500 observations of nearly identical, youth-targeted, point-of-sale (POS) advertising tactics near schools and playgrounds—and underscoring the opportunity for stronger laws and enforcement to protect kids worldwide.

What is the situation in your countries?

Kind regards,


*Dr. Eduardo Bianco*

*Director, Addiction Training Program for Health Professionals (ATHP)*

Email: ebianco@nextgenu.org

Web: NextGenU.org <https://nextgenu.org/>

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HIFA profile: Eduardo Bianco is a medical doctor and Cardiologist, Certified Tobacco Cessation Expert with a Master's in Prevention and Treatment of Addictive Disorders. Bianco also has a degree in International Relations. Currently, he is Director of International Policy Education in Addictions of the Frank Foundation for International Health and Member of the Interim Policy Committee of the Global Alliance for Tobacco Control (GATC). He had a prominent role in promoting smoking cessation, tobacco control, WHO-FCTC implementation and NCD control in his country (Uruguay) as well as in Latin America for over 25 years. Bianco participated directly in most of the development process of the WHO-Framework Convention on Tobacco control and in the Sessions of the Conference of the Parties to this treaty. He was Director or Tobacco Control Program of InterAmerican Heart Foundation, Regional Coordinator for the Americas of the Framework Convention Alliance (FCA), Chair of the Tobacco Expert Group of the World Heart Federation and Technical Director of the MOH Center for International Cooperation for Tobacco as well as Founder and Former President of the Tobacco Epidemic Research Center (CIET) in Uruguay. He is a member of the HIFA working group on Mental Health, supported by the Ulrich and Ruth Frank Foundation for International Health/NextGenU.org https://www.hifa.org/support/members/eduardo