[*Note from NPW, moderator: The original message had a graphic that is not carried by HIFA. The text below is reproduced from the registration page]
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Indigenous Women, Girls and Gender-Diverse Communities Living with HIV in Nepal
Mon, Apr 4, 2022 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM BST
In 2017, the WHO released a consolidated guideline on the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of women living with HIV, offering 73 recommendations and good practice statements to assist in the planning, development, monitoring and promotion of programs and services grounded in gender equality and human rights. Evidence from this report highlighted the inequitable access to quality health services for Indigenous women living with HIV and their disproportionate vulnerability to gendered violence and sexual and reproductive rights violations.
Webinar objectives:
1. Discuss challenges and opportunities in advancing SRHR of indigenous women living with HIV at local level
2. Explore how to operationalize the guideline to support SRHR of indigenous women living with HIV
Register: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/3173881472419549709
HIFA profile: Ados May is a Senior Technical Advisor at the IBP Initiative in the United States of America. ados.may AT phi.org