Dear Chris, While I agree with not damaging “the academic pursuits of specific individuals” if they are not involved in the Russian war with Ukraine, the Editorial Notice is too mild i.e. “Despite their profound sympathies with the plight of the Ukrainian people”. I would suggest “Despite our appall and revulsion at the unprovoked war by Russia on Ukraine and the targeting of civilians, the editors have decided against a boycott of the scientific endeavors of Russian academicians”, in the interest of continuing to protect and promote the development of knowledge and academic work throughout the world. We will continue with this policy until “further notice”. The point is that while not damaging academic/scientific pursuits, it is important we make clear that Russia’s initiation of a war with Ukraine is not acceptable. Thank you for your consideration. Inge B. Corless PhD RN FNAP FAAN
HIFA profile: Inge Corless is a Professor in the graduate program in Nursing at the MGH Institute of Health Professions at the Massachusetts General Hospital, USA. She is involved with the HIV Online Provider Conference (Hope) Nursing Conference, broadcast via internet conferencing technology live once per month. Icorless AT