Tobacco (29) Tobacco control in Indonesia (3) Q2. Do health workers have adequate knowledge to prevent and treat tobacco addiction?

1 March, 2023

Of the 96 doctors surveyed in Jakarta, 93.8% knew about the dangers of passive smoking, 84.4% knew about the dangers of low-dose tar/nicotine, 93.8% agreed that doctors should be role models for non-smoking behavior, and 95.8% agreed that hospital should free from smoking (Pujianto et al., 2009).

However, 66.7% of doctors did not ask about the patient's smoking habits, 38% of doctors did not give advice to stop smoking to patients (Pujianto et al., 2009). This is in line with the survey results from GATS in 2021 which stated that 38.9% of smokers who visited health workers in the last 12 months were advised to quit smoking (Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia et al., 2022).

Since 2011, Quit Tobacco International (QTI) has been working with Gadjah Mada University to develop a medical faculty curriculum, in the form of a module on the dangers of smoking to various organs in the body. In addition, smoking cessation training was also developed for medical students (Prabandari et al., 2020).

The results of learning at Gadjah Mada University using the module above showed that around 48.6% - 83.5% of students reported that they had been trained on the topic of the dangers of smoking. About the topic how to help patients to stop smoking was only accepted by 12.3% - 50% of students (Prabandari, 2014).

The Ministry of Health has trained doctors at Community Health Centers to be able to carry out smoking cessation efforts. Data from the Ministry of Health for 2022 shows that only 27.4% of community health centers throughout Indonesia have quit smoking services (Nababan, 2023).

The data above shows that the knowledge of doctors on how to help patients to quit smoking is still very low. This is also in line with the low number of health centers that carry out efforts to stop smoking.

Jum’atil Fajar


Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, World Health Organization, & Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). The Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) - Fact Sheet Indonesia 2021.

Nababan, W. M. C. (2023). Ketersediaan Layanan Berhenti Merokok Masih Minim - Kompas.

Prabandari, Y. S. (2014). Pembelajaran penyakit terkait perilaku merokok dan edukasi untuk berhenti merokok di pendidikan dokter fakultas kedokteran UGM. In Jurnal Pendidikan Kedokteran Indonesia (Vol. 3, Issue 1).

Prabandari, Y. S., Padmawati, R. S., Istiyani, T., & Rahaju, J. D. (2020). Quit Tobacco International. Educational Modules - Medical School Curriculum.

Pujianto, Thabrany, H., Hidayat, B., Ong, M., & FItriah. (2009). Praktik Dokter Terkait Perilaku Merokok Pasien. Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Nasional, 4(3), 115–119.

HIFA Profile: Jum’atil Fajar is Medical Care Manager at RSUD dr. H. Soemarno Sosroatmodjo Kuala Kapuas, Indonesia. Professional interests: Distributing electronic health information among doctors. jumatil AT