Science: What drives poor quality of care for child diarrhea? (2)

26 February, 2024

Dear Neil,

It is NOT "Only" that parents are NOT interested OR that Health care providers do NOT "prescribe" oral rehydration but... also,

The economic factors of buying this or that medication when a simple solution of water, clean and clear water with a spoon of sugar and a bit of salt would resolve it, but adding sanitation and waste disposal and... public Health consciousness from governamental agencies that Every life from Every Child IS important/relevant and a "human right" to be alive (UN-CRC) and a social responsability for social protection from everyone: government-public agencies; out-patients and Community resources ; school and social educators and families// Let´s update it. Nowadays public Health campaigns through Google-YouTube-Instagram and so forth and HIFA and CHIFA are wonderful examples and models/ Let´s keep moving and networking, to save lives and for children in poor and LMIC, like many cities in Brazil, now with a dengue epidemics!

Brazilian Regards,

Evelyn Eisenstein

CHIFA profile: Evelyn Eisenstein, Diretora da Clínica de Adolescentes e do CEIIAS (Centro de Estudos Integrados, Infância, Adolescência e Saúde) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. CHIFA member evelynbrasil AT