New learning paper from Malaria Consortium - Scaling up a community health programme in South Sudan

13 May, 2024

Dear colleagues,

I am very pleased to share a new learning paper from Malaria Consortium on our work in South Sudan: Learning paper: Enhancing community health through the Boma Health Initiative <

The Boma Health Initiative (BHI) is a nationwide community health programme established by South Sudan’s government to strengthen the health system and efficiently deliver an integrated package of health promotion and disease prevention activities. Over the past seven years, Malaria Consortium has worked with the Ministry of Health to pilot, implement, scale and now digitalise the BHI, improving health service delivery to women, children and remote and hard-to-reach communities. This learning paper outlines our lessons learnt over the course of this journey and presents key results and recommendations for continued expansion.

We would be grateful if you would consider sharing with your networks.

If you have any questions or comments, or would like to discuss further, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Kind regards,


Samantha Rothbart

Senior Content and Communications Manager

Malaria Consortium

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Malaria Consortium’s mission is to save lives and improve health in Africa and Asia through evidence‐based programmes that combat targeted diseases and promote universal health coverage

HIFA profile: Samantha Rothbart is Publications Manager at the Malaria Consortium, UK. Professional interests: Disease burden reduction; Digital health, gender and youth; Climate change. s.rothbart AT