Lancet Global Health: Pragmatic global health

18 February, 2023

Closing the knowledge-practice gap with implementation research and a pragmatic approach [*see note from HIFA moderator below]

Pragmatism and implementation research

HIFA profile: Eileen McGinn is a Consultant in USA. qedeileen AT

[*Note from HIFA moderator (NPW): Thanks Eileen. It would be good to explore this Lancet Global Health editorial a bit further. I have selected extracts from it below. I have a sense that it needs further 'unpacking'. Any thoughts?

CITATION: Lancet Global Health EDITORIAL| VOLUME 11, ISSUE 3, MARCH 2023

Pragmatic global health


A pragmatic approach could contribute to shrinking the knowledge–practice gap and maximising real-world implications through a multidimensional effort that centres on local needs and participation...

We believe that a combination of implementation research and a pragmatic approach is what is required to close the knowledge–practice gap in global health...

Pragmatic global health advocates for a multidisciplinary, multisectoral, cross-cultural, and transnational perspective...

Most importantly, the pragmatic approach advocates a shared agency for local people that enables sufficient dialogue, consensus, and collaboration between different stakeholders in global health. It must be people-centred—from the community, by the community, and for the community. The empowerment of local actors and the engagement of all stakeholders (not just wealthy funding bodies and external experts) are in line with a decolonising agenda that requires radical structural changes of power relationships towards equity and global justice. Under all global health approaches, local communities are subject to the consequences of inaction, but empowerment of the communities gives them the capacity and the responsibility to act.

Multidisciplinary and multisectoral collaboration requires humility and solidarity where competition with and lack of knowledge of other disciplines or sectors are common. Additionally, effecting the pragmatic approach would require high tolerance for and adaptability to complexities and uncertainties in real-world settings that many researchers are not used to.]