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ISSOP e-bulletin July 2023

4 August, 2023

The ISSOP (International Society for Social Pediatrics and Child Health) e-bulletin for July has just been published and you can find it on the ISSOP website<https://www.issop.org/2023/08/01/issop-e-bulletin-64-july-2023/>

Keep in touch with global child health from east to west, north and south and follow topics from breastfeeding to life expectancy and street children to kangaroo baby care in this outstanding source of information!

This month the contents list is as follows:

1. Introduction

1.1 Message from Jeff Goldhagen. ISSOP President

2. Meetings and news

2.1 Joint meeting of the Spanish Society of Social Pediatrics and ISSOP. Valencia, Spain.

November 16-18, 2023.

2.2 Integrating ourselves to improve the quality of life of children and adolescents in the ABC Region (Argentina, Bolivia and Chile). Calama, Chile, August 3-5, 2023.

2.3 29th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services. Vienna, Austria, September 20-200, 2023.

3. International Organizations

3.1 InspiRights Global Survey

3.2 African Neonatal Association

3.3 WHO initiative on sponsorship of child health professional associations by manufacturers of commercial milk formula

4. Current controversy

4.1 Survival of the Richest, how we must tax the super-rich now to fight inequality

5. CHIFA – IPA - ISSOP/INRICH - reports

5.1 CHIFA report

5.2 IPA report

5.3. ISSOP/INRICH report

5.4 Street and Working Children report

6. Publications

6.1 Healthcare professionals, breastmilk substitutes and corporate sponsorship

6.2 Perceptions, beliefs, and current practices regarding neonatal skin care and emollient use in eastern Uganda: a qualitative study

6.3 Children’s Human Rights in the USA. Challenges and Opportunities

6.4 Progress on Household Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (2000-2022)

7. Topics in Social Pediatrics

7.1 Life expectancy in Japan

7.2 Child refugees – an animation

8. Climate change update

8.1 Course on sustainable child health

8.2 Survey of impact of climate change on children’s health

8.3 The climate crisis moves into uncharted territory

9. When a person is unique: Celebrating Lennart Kohler

Tony Waterston

CHIFA profile: Tony Waterston is a retired consultant paediatrician who worked mainly in the community in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. He spent 6 years working in Zambia and Zimbabwe and directed the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health Diploma in Palestinian Child Health teaching programme in the occupied Palestinian territories. He was an Editor of the Journal of Tropical Pediatrics and is on the Executive Committee of the International Society for Social Pediatrics. His academic interests are child poverty, advocacy for child health and children's rights. He is currently the lead moderator of CHIFA (HIFA's sister forum on child health and rights). www.chifa.org He is also a member of the HIFA Steering Group. www.hifa.org/people/steering-group<http://www.hifa.org/people/steering-group>www.hifa.org/support/members/<... Tony.Waterston AT newcastle.ac.uk