ICHG winter meeting - Inequalities and Childhood Infections December 15th on line

28 November, 2023

We look forward to welcoming many colleagues to the 2023 International Child Health Group Winter Meeting "Inequalities and Childhood Infections" online.

The conference "Inequalities and Childhood Infections" will showcase a diverse program that covers topics relevant to both the UK and low and middle-income countries with an exceptional line-up of speakers. The day will include an opening keynote from Sir Michael Marmot, multiple plenary sessions, a variety of interactive workshops to choose from, and allocated time slots for networking.

Free tickets are available for low- and middle-income country attendees. CPD points will be available to all attendees.

Register at: https://share.medall.org/events/ichg-winter-meeting-2023-inequalities-in...

Further details are available on the conference website; https://www.internationalchildhealthgroup.org/winter-meeting-2023

CHIFA profile: Rebecca Rhodes is a Junior Doctor currently doing general medicine/surgical rotations through Hospitals in the East Midlands, UK. She has always had an interest in the role of paediatrics in the developing world and has had a short but valuable experience contributing to paediatric care in rural Bangladesh as well as a longer period of time working with young people with disabilities from ethnic minorities. In the future Rebecca is very keen to contribute what she can professionally to promote and improve child health in the developing world and seeks to learn how this can be done. bristystorme AT gmail.com