Horizon scanning in public health/health systems research

13 November, 2024

Dear HIFA colleagues,

As part of the work of the Cochrane Thematic Group on People, Health Systems and Public Health, we are considering a horizon scanning exercise to identify emerging issues and areas that may be important for the focus of the Group in the future.

As this methodology has been primarily applied to health technology, we would be very interested to speak with institutions or researchers with experience carrying out horizon scanning in the fields of public health and health systems, to hear more about their approach to this exercise. If you have used this methodology in one of these fields and wouldn’t mind having a short discussion with us about it, please contact elodie.besnier@ntnu.no

Thank you for your help

Elodie Besnier

Post-doctoral fellow

Department of Health Sciences, Ålesund

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Norwegian university of science and technology

HIFA profile: Elodie Besnier is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the NTNU, Norway. Professional interest: Use of different types of information in decision-making. elodie.besnier AT ntnu.no