Demystifying Negative Menstrual Myths in Zambia (3)

1 November, 2022

The girl child must not be left to suffer in shame and distress for a natural phenomenon/process. We must empower them with knowledge and options so menses dont derail their life and education.

Warm regards,

Emmanuel M Makasa

Plot L/23328/M Silverest, Chongwe

P.O Box 50048, Ridgeway

Lusaka Province

Republic of Zambia

Mobile: +260-961-566-065


Skype: eMakasa

Twitter: @emakasa

HIFA-Zambia profile: Emmanuel Makasa is Counsellor - Health, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Zambia to the UN at Geneva, Switzerland. Professional interests: Global Health Diplomacy, Epidemiology, Orthopedic Surgery, m-Health, Remote Sensing & GIS. Email address: emmanuel.makasa AT