[*see note from HIFA moderator NPW below]
12/09/2022 Tel Aviv Health Systems in Action: launch of new Insights from 14 countries, organised by the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
I joined this webinar. Each country had produced a collaborative and comparative understanding of its health system that could be understood in 30 minutes. The “Health Systems in Action” can be seen at The 12/09/2022 WHO/European Observatory on health systems and policies “Health Systems in Action (HSSIA)”
Issues covered included health illiteracy about antimicrobial resistance, shortage of family doctors and nurses, high costs of medicines, integrating management of NCDs and control of its risk factors into Primary Care, delivering equal services, content and quality in rural and urban settings.
A common theme was the inadequacy of data collection to advance quality of care and advance quality agendas by helping the analysis of requirements and one country mentioned the need to do a full assessment of its IT systems.
“The Health System in Action (HSiA) Insights are a set of short summaries that capture what is happening in non-EU Member States; highlight progress and challenges country by country; and provide context for the WHO/Europe’s European Programme of Work and its Roadmaps for Health and Wellbeing.”
“They aim to support decision-makers with quick, easily accessible and concise evidence to help countries spot the key issues and how their country measures up over time and against their peers.”
“The new HSIA Insights will be launched during WHO’s 72nd Regional Committee for Europe in Tel Aviv, Israel. The launch introduced 14 country Insights as a tool for ministries as they strengthen their health systems and as a baseline for future comparisons. The insights are shown through the eyes of four Member States (Israel, Georgia, Montenegro and Tajikistan) and are designed to show how concise health systems evidence gives a “helicopter” view of issues; facilitates debate with other ministries; and builds an understanding of what works and of the lessons in other countries.
“The insights show case Regional Office and countries’ efforts on antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
Hans Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe to open
Nachman Ash, Ministry of Health of Israel: Israeli Insight launch
Moderator: Gundo Weiler, WHO/Europe
OVERVIEW AND Antimicrobial resistance AMR - Suszy Lessof, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies: How Insights support policy-makers and Nino Berdzuli, WHO/Europe: Antimicrobial resistance
COUNTRY EXPERIENCES AND RESPONSES were presented by Tamar Gabunia, First Deputy-minister, Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from Occupied Territory, Labour, Health and Social Affairs (MoIDPLHSA) of Georgia, Vladimir Obradovic, State secretary, Ministry of Health of Montenegro
Rano Rakhimova, Head of the Department of International Relations of the Ministry of Health, Tajikistan and were introduced by the respective Head of WHO Country Office
The discussion was moderated by Josep Figueras, European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies and closed by Gundo Weiler, WHO/Europe
*Country Insights to be launched at https://eurohealthobservatory.who.int/publications/health-systems-in-act... are Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Serbia, Tajikistan, Türkiye, Uzbekistan.
“The Health Systems in Action insights series supports Member States in the WHO European Region that are not in the European Union.
“The Insights for each country are intended to:
· provide core information and data on health systems succinctly and accessibly;
· outline the country health system context in which WHO Europe’s Programme of Work (EPW) is set;
· flag key concerns, progress and challenges health system by health system; and
· build a baseline for comparisons, so that member states can see how their health systems develop over time and in relation to other countries.
“The pilot series is co-produced by the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. It draws on the knowledge and understanding of the WHO Country Offices and of the Division of Country Health Policies and Systems (CPS), the Barcelona Office for Health System Strengthening and other WHO/Europe technical programmes; as well as the Health in Transition series and the work of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. The Insights follow a common template that provides detailed guidance and allows comparison across countries.
HIFA profile: Richard Fitton is a retired family doctor - GP. Professional interests: Health literacy, patient partnership of trust and implementation of healthcare with professionals, family and public involvement in the prevention of modern lifestyle diseases, patients using access to professional records to overcome confidentiality barriers to care, patients as part of the policing of the use of their patient data
Email address: richardpeterfitton7 AT gmail.com