Call for papers: Building and restoring trust in science and health information across patient, community and population settings (6) Hodges' model and information disorder

1 January, 2023

As highlighted before on HIFA over many years, Hodges' model can inform such a call for papers and project.

In several ways, including but not limited to - critique and representation of data, information, knowledge, wisdom (literacies - across all academic and professional disciplines):

Jones, P. (1996) Humans, Information, and Science, Journal of Advanced Nursing, 24(3),591-598.

Jones, P. (1996) An overarching theory of health communication? Health Informatics Journal,2,1,28-34.

Additional citation: IRMS Bulletin - November 2022

"I am indebted to Peter Jones, who shared Hodges’ Health Career Model with the 2022 IRMS conference in Glasgow. Although originally used in a healthcare setting, this simple, two-axis intellectual model can be readily used to analyse any complex interaction between the individual and their environment – in this case, information literacies.

The diagram shows a number of distinct yet overlapping literacies that were potentially in play in our problem example, although there are likely to be many more – even emotional literacy played a part, with the frustrations of the young people in question causing them to dismiss potential solutions before they had been tried or even considered. Likewise, socio-political and socio-economic literacies may have been a factor – if you are unaware that something exists in the world due to blind-spots in your own cultural background then you cannot even begin to look for it."

Jon Fryer, "Information Literacies - Learning, to thrive in a digital age". IRMS Bulletin, Issue 230, November 2022. cc c (A membership journal)

During the summer and the "Communicating health research" thread on HIFA, I thought about 'information disorder' and the infodemic: [*see note below]

I recalled this quote too - amid 'information overload'.

“Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?”

― T.S. Eliot, The Rock

As the evidence-base 'accumulates' there may be a questions about the life-cycle of research?

From implementation science to deimplementation:

Patey et al. Implementation Science (2018) 13:134

As an 'ecosystem' is it imperative that one (or more) part of 'data, information KNOWLEDGE wisdom' must wither on the academic (vine) database - reduced citation hence salience?

The aims and scope of a paper may also encompass the public's understanding of science.

Frameworks and models of care/selfcare are needed that can simultaneously:

"... differentiate between science writing for the public and writing across communities of scientific practice. Described by its editors as an interdisciplinary journal, they argue it is a ‘transdisciplinary journal’"

from -Baram-Tsabari, Ayelet, Orli Wolfson, Roy Yosef, Noam Chapnik, Adi Brill, and Elad Segev. Jargon Use in Public Understanding of Science Papers over Three Decades. Public Understanding of Science, 29(6) (August 2020): 644–54.

Hodges' model being situated can be used in contexts that are inter- multi- transdisciplinary and interprofessional (education).

If I can assist I'd be pleased to proof read, critique drafts, provide a figure / table using Hodges' model to illustrate the conceptual scope and associations of the work.

I may have also referred to agnotology - the study of ignorance, this should (must?) be a concurrent factor in research of literacy.

If anyone has time to please read and comment on a near complete draft paper on: COVID-19, technology, society, Hodges' model, fake news misinformation dis- mal- also I'd be very grateful.

Happy New Year to all - wherever celebrated.

Peter Jones

Community Mental Health Nurse and Researcher

Warrington Recovery Team, NW England

Blogging at "Welcome to the QUAD"

HIFA profile: Peter Jones is a Community Mental Health Nurse with the NHS in NW England and a a part-time tutor at Bolton University. Peter champions a conceptual framework - Hodges' model - that can be used to facilitate personal and group reflection and holistic / integrated care. A bibliography is provided at the blog 'Welcome to the QUAD' ( h2cmuk AT

[*Note from HIFA moderator (NPW): Many thanks Peter, this publication looks interesting. The first paragraph of the executive summary sets the scene: 'This report is an attempt to comprehensively examine information disorder and its related challenges, such as filter bubbles and echo chambers. While the historical impact of rumours and fabricated content have been well documented, we argue that contemporary social technology means that we are witnessing something new: information pollution at a global scale; a complex web of motivations for creating, disseminating and consuming these ‘polluted’ messages; a myriad of content types and techniques for amplifying content; innumerable platforms hosting and reproducing this content; and breakneck speeds of communication between trusted peers.' I have invited the authors to join us.]