Why are young people still taking up smoking? (2)

11 May, 2024

Dear Neil, Nothing could be done as single-resolutive measure, however much has been done as for the many steps that contributed to discourage this habit. I was young and smoker, in my years of studying medicine(!). I was feeling immortal: after all everybody was smoking, everywhere, on TV for example.

Then it became more and more 'difficult' to smoke, in offices, public places and gatherings. It helped.

My point today: social media should ban pictures where a past actor or any present person, even a passerby, do smoke.

A small step ok, but useful.

Greetings from Dodoma


HIFA profile: Massimo Serventi is a long-standing Pediatrician working in Africa since 1982. He has worked for several NGOs in 6 African/2 Asian countries. His interests include clinical and community pediatrics, adherence to clinical guidelines and school education as the major determinant of good health. massimoser20 AT gmail.com